Join us for our Autumn Cultural Collaborator Gathering where we'll be developing the Dudley Creates Knowledge Cafe.
For this gathering we'll be co-designing activity and getting inspired. It is a great opportunity to be in a space with other people who also want to take action.
We want to celebrate and make better use of knowledge which already exists in our communities. We’d love to meet local doers and creatives with knowledge to share or questions to ask around the following themes:
Nature connection and/or the habitats/ecologies where you live
Climate justice and the many ways we can take action to care for people and our planet
Community-led creative and collaborative action
What local artists, designers and creatives are doing to help to unlock our imaginations and think in new ways about possible futures.
Maybe you have knowledge to share and would be interested in leading a session, or perhaps you’re curious about some of the above themes and have questions that you'd like to explore further with interested folk.
During this gathering a seasonal programme of Knowledge Cafe sessions will be co-created. Each session will last for 60-90 minutes and can take place anywhere in Dudley borough. We hope that they will offer new ways of seeing things, spark ideas, and perhaps catalyse action that we could support through Dudley Creates.
It is a great opportunity to be in a space with other people who also want to take action. Help us to celebrate local wisdom in Dudley borough.
There are some great projects underway but we know there's more ideas to explore.