Starting Your Climate Action Project

Do you have an idea for a climate action project you’d like to bring to life, or a climate action project which is feeling a bit stuck?

In Dudley borough we have natural habitats listed as being at high risk and very high risk from climate change. We believe our local communities are among those who know the neighbourhoods, towns, parks, ponds and canals of Dudley borough best. We also believe that local people have an abundance of ideas, skills, and knowledge. Exactly the kind of imagination, know-how and wisdom that is needed to help heal our vulnerable natural habitats.

Dudley People’s School for Climate Justice encourages and supports creative, experimental responses to the interconnected climate, nature and justice crises. One of the ways we do this is by connecting people to learn from each other, share ideas and resources, encourage and support each other, and celebrate progress and successes. You decide what you want to learn about, explore and take action around.

Your idea or project might take place on your street, in a school or college setting, in a communal outdoor space, in a workplace, or across your neighbourhood.

We can introduce you to other local people taking climate action, and let you know about activities relevant to your idea which you could join in. We can also share tools and tactics which can help you think through an experiment or project from start to end, including celebrating and sharing your learning.

How you can join in

To express interest, share ideas or ask questions about this support please email Lorna Prescott: